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When I try to run a workspace on the FME server, I receive this error. On my machine, I have ArcMap and Pro installed with 64-bit background geoprocessing. I am also reading data from File Geodb using the Esri Geodatabase (File Geodb) reader

ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1 has been upgraded to ArcGIS Enterprise 11.0, and I am running FME Desktop 2022.0.1.0 and FME Server 2022.0.0.2.


It is unclear why I am getting this error. Is it because we have upgraded ArcGIS Enterprise and are using FME Desktop 2022.0.1.0?



Thank you,

Have a look here:

For ArcGIS 11, you need 2022.1 or newer to work with it

I had a similar issue with ArcGIS pro 3.0.x and the final solution was to upgrade FME Desktop to 2022.2 (2022.1 did not really work, I was not able to connect new readers/writers to my enterprise geodatabases)

@hkingsbury​ Both the FME server and desktop have been updated to the latest version 2022.2.1. However, I still receive this error when I run the workspace on the FME server. The FME desktop runs workspaces without error. In the workspace, ESRI ArcGIS Compatibility is set to ArcGIS Pro.


@fme_can_do_it​ my understanding is that you need FME Server installed on a server that has ArcGIS Server on it. Desktop/Pro on Server no longer works. At least that is what I was told by FME support.

Good luck it's buggy

Uninstall ArcPro, just leave enterprise it will work.
