Here's a simple table creation process with FeatureReader and FeatureWriter
For a value list table.
The structure is the same and provided from the source table
Automatic Attribute definition
-> The primary key is not set
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS eau_potable.vl_polygones
id integer,
name character varying(200) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
color character varying(20) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
active boolean,
CONSTRAINT vl_polygones_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
Manual Attribute definition (only manipulation is uncheck the automatic to manual)
-> The primary key is set successfuly
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS eau_potable.vl_polygones
id integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('eau_potable.vl_polygones_id_seq'::regclass),
name character varying(200) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
color character varying(20) COLLATE pg_catalog."default",
active boolean,
CONSTRAINT vl_polygones_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
This would be a nice thing to fix because I think everythink is known to FME (at least visually) to do its job as expected.
Remark : When using Dynamic (3rd option), you can make it work by specifying that you want id to be typed as serial and constrainted as Primary Key
FME(R) 2022.2.1.0 (20221202 - Build 22776 - WIN64)