i am trying to get the data from
website which working fine but problem is that if on the website there is no current storm then in over ARCgis data also delete I m sharing the was can you check for me as I am new
i am trying to get the data from
website which working fine but problem is that if on the website there is no current storm then in over ARCgis data also delete I m sharing the was can you check for me as I am new
In this workspace, it looks like you're directly querying the NHC website's HTML for the zip file(s). To confirm the issue, are you finding that the workspace fails if it can't find the target zip file on the URL, or at another point?
If the workspace fails with "Translation Terminated" just when there isn't any data, you can turn this setting off from Workspace Parameters > Translation > Rejected Feature Handling > Continue Translation.
However, there might be more options for fetching this data. If you scroll to the bottom of the page (https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/gis/), there are additional web resources under Additional Resources > Links, like the NCEP GIS REST Services and nowCOAST Map and REST API Services. You might be able to fetch your target datasets directly from these web services by accessing the APIs by HTTPCaller or via the ArcGIS Online Reader (with a URL). Hope that helps!