Yea, something like this would work - might be better with a FeatureMerger set to 1=1 so you're not getting an extra feature passed to your WorkspaceRunner.
Depending on the previous transformers and overall structure of the workbench, simply settignthe runtime order out of the previous transformer may suffice. You can get to this by right clicking on the output port and select Set Runtime Order
Thanks! I ended up using an aggregator, of the same reason you say, not go get another feature passed to the WorkspaceRunner.
I can't find the runtime order function though, what version/build are you on?
Thanks! I ended up using an aggregator, of the same reason you say, not go get another feature passed to the WorkspaceRunner.
I can't find the runtime order function though, what version/build are you on?
The functionality has existed for quite sometime...
Have a look here towards the bottom of the article