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I am trying to compare changes between 2 excel files containing borehole samples. I am new to the change detector transformer but my understanding is it needs a unique ID to be able to detect Updates but additions and deletions can be detected without one.


My data is a bit irritating as a sample needs to be identified using 4 different fields (Borehole ID, Depth Top, Sample Ref, Sample Type) but when I have these 4 fields selected in the "Update Detection Key Attributes Field" it produces many extra results on a test sample.


Any advice?

Is the combination of the 4 different fields unique for a sample?


 "when I have these 4 fields selected in the "Update Detection Key Attributes Field" it produces many extra results on a test sample"

I'm not sure exactly what you mean by the above statement. Can you explain?



No unfortunately. The final 2 fields are the fields that need checking for updates but there can be multiple instances of the initial 2 fields.

No unfortunately. The final 2 fields are the fields that need checking for updates but there can be multiple instances of the initial 2 fields.

Ok, in that case you need to be aware that the order of the features affects what 'changes' are detected. Try sorting both inputs in the same way. I'd then use your first two fields as your key attributes, with the other two as the attributes to check
