I have the following installed:
ArcPro 2.7.4
ArcGISDesktop 10.8.1
Background Geoprocessing 10.8.1
FME 2021.2.1.0 (20211203 - Build 21797 - WIN64)
I also have a workbench that used to work. It simply took a couple of old-school Esri SDE features plus two new-school features that have attribute rules applied on them, and therefore need ArcPro Translation turned on, which it is, and exported them to a file geodatabase. What used to work now gives me the dreaded "Unable to perform any licensing related tasks. Please check your Esri ArcGIS Compatibility setting. This 64-bit version of FME requires ArcGIS Desktop along with 64-bit Background Geoprocessing; ArcGIS Pro; or ArcGIS Enterprise" error. What else do I need to look for?