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Update CAD tag attributes

  • 21 August 2024
  • 4 replies

 Good morning.

 Does anyone know if there is a way to write, basically update a tag in CAD. I have tried multiple things and so far, no updates are passing through. I have been filtering and replacing data for the  autocad_attr_def_tag. I am using the Autodesk CAD DWG/DXF Writer. I don't see any changes in the outcome.

I appreciate any pointers that this community can provide.


Hi @gboquin

Thank you for your post! 
Firstly, would you be able to confirm if you are writing to Extended Entity Data in the AutoCAD DWG/DXF writer?
Secondly - in the writer - there is a parameter ‘Output Defined Attributes Only:’. If you have this set to yes then none of the attributes unless they are format attributes will be written.

If you could possibly share your workspace or screenshots of your workspace I can look further into the issue and try get a solution.
This community post may also lead in the right direction.


Thank you,

Hi @donalmateer !

Thanks for looking into this. I had the settings as you suggested but the cad output is exactly the same as the input. See attached image.

Thanks for any other tips you can provide.:)

Hi @donalmateer !

Thanks for looking into this. I had the settings as you suggested but the cad output is exactly the same as the input. See attached image.

Thanks for any other tips you can provide.:)

Thanks for your feedback. I will try this


Layla Harris CEO at

Thank you so much for valuable information.
