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FME unable to Post to Referenced Service in ArcGIS Entperise

  • 2 August 2024
  • 1 reply

Hello, i need some help here.

I recently had my workbenches stop working. I am pushing updated into to referenced feature services in arcgis portal. I have re-created every reader, wriiter and parameter but cant get the same process to work again.

I have made new workbenchs and new connection where i have just Readers and Writers (No Transformer) and i cant FME to push changes to featuer services.

The error’s i am get is :
ArcGIS Portal Feature Service Writer: Encountered an unexpected error. The error code from the server was '500' and the message was: 'Unable to complete operation.'. Details: 'No edits ('adds', 'updates', 'deletes', 'attachment edits', or 'asset maps edits') were specified.'
“Could not find a layer/table matching the feature type”

It Seem to JUST be a FME issues as i can access the Rest end point and use post to make edits, using fme i can update hosted serivces. It isnt a permssions issues and to my knowledge nothing has change on the machine i have been using. I have republish the services, try difference features and so on.

Any Help or ideas is wellcome.

(Version 2022.2)

Hello @errin_rowan, thanks for posting! I think we may need some additional information: 

  1. Are you able to read from the same ArcGIS Portal? (eg. is this isolated to writing)
  2. Are you performing inserts, deletes, or updates on the existing feature service? Can you confirm edits are enabled on the target feature class?
  3. Are you able to write or push updates to other feature classes on the same portal? 
  4. Are there any dashes or brackets contained in the layer name you’re writing too?
  5. Can you share a complete logfile?

It may also be helpful to share a screenshot of how your writer parameters are set up please! Happy to help, Kailin.  
