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3B ağaç verilerim yatay görünüyor, onları nasıl dik konuma getirebilirim? (döndürücü ve 3d döndürücü) Bu iki aracı birçok kez denedim ama işe yaramadı. Bu durumu nasıl çözebilirim?

Hello everyone

My 3D tree data is horizontal, how can I make them vertical? (rotator and 3d rotator) I tried these two tools many times but they didn't work. How can I solve this situation?

I’m by no means an expert in this field, but I believe you need to extract the insertion coordinate for each feature (CoordinateExtractor), move each feature to 0,0 (Offsetter), rotate it around 0,0 (3DRotator) and move it back to it’s original coordinate (Offsetter).

Instead of using offsetter you can also 

Hello everyone

My 3D tree data is horizontal, how can I make them vertical? (rotator and 3d rotator) I tried these two tools many times but they didn't work. How can I solve this situation?

I’m by no means an expert in this field, but I believe you need to extract the insertion coordinate for each feature (CoordinateExtractor), move each feature to 0,0 (Offsetter), rotate it around 0,0 (3DRotator) and move it back to it’s original coordinate (Offsetter).

Instead of using offsetter you can also use the option “rorate along custom axis” in 3D Rotator. Use your extracted point coordinates as origin and rotate either in 0,1,0 oder 1,0,0 direction.
Depening on your data you have to use a normal rotator beforehand to get it aligned in 2D space.
