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Postman connects easily to Veoci (emergency management software) via a two-step process:
1) Get a private token;
2) Submit query using the private token. 

These is done in two separate steps:
Step 1 (https) returns five new or updated Veoci cookies in the headers, two of which are APIALB and APIALBCORS.  Their values are identical
Step 2 (https) returns two more new or updated Veoci cookies: APIWALB and APIWALBCORS.  These two values are identical (to each other).
These four cookies appear to be related to Amazon.

I want FME to combine the two steps into one (and let me store the results in a relational database).
Step 1 works fine in FME.  In fact, the pattern of packets matches exactly.
Step 2 unfortunately returns the message “Authsession not found in cookie” no matter what I try.  I know conversation contains a permanent redirect (looks like Amazon) and I think this is the problem.

Even running Step 2 alone in FME always fails.

I’ve tried configuring the HTTPCaller in Step 1 and the HTTPCaller in Step 2:
1) turn cookies from HTTPCaller 1 into Attributes and assign them to cookie headers in HTTPCaller 2;
2) hard-code the cookies in HTTPCaller 2;
3) remove the cookies from HTTPCaller 2 and configure both HTTPCallers to save their cookies;
4) setting HTTPCaller 2 to follow Redirects using GETs;
5) setting HTTPCaller 2 to follow Redirects using POSTs. 

Does anyone have experience or ideas how to get FME to connect to Amazon’s CORS?

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