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Hi Team,


Is there any limitations for size of job log. My job keep restarting if the job log reaches to 25 page.


Thank you

No, there should be no limit, i've had 100s of pages for a job lo. The fact its restarting suggests that the engine running it is crashing.


By default, FME Server should try to run a job that crashes (not fails) three times (if my memory serves me correctly). So after the third try you log should give you some indication of whats gone wrong.


Also check that the disk isn't running full.

Thank you both for the responses. Unfortunately I am unable to find any information in log. I will try to re-ran the job again.

Thank you both for the responses. Unfortunately I am unable to find any information in log. I will try to re-ran the job again.

The job log should mention available disk space around line 30 or so. Also check for low disk space messages in the the server cleanup log, see Resources / Logs / Service / Current / fmecleanup.log
