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So, I have two datasets:

  • Linear - contains names - short linear segments in close proximity to polygons
  • Polygons - unnamed


The goal is to conflate names from linear to polygonal. I have buffered to lines to conflate names from linear to polygonal data and it worked fine. The problem is that the linear segments are short and only capture the feature where they are located and one river can contain up to 50 individual features. All of these features (polygonal) have a unique Feature_ID but more importantly, they have a RIVER_ID. The RIVER_ID is the same for one water body (river). For example, 30 differing individual features will have the same RIVER_ID since they are representing the same river.


So, let's say that the river in question is Danube and it has 20 features. Now, only 13 of them were captured by the linear segments and are now named whilst the rest are unnamed. How can I use that RIVER_ID to transfer the name from the named ones to the unnamed ones?


I have tried aggregating by RIVER_ID and concatenating NAME but I get a long string that contains multiple occurrences of the same name after cleanup like: DanubeDanubeDanube... I can't use the FeatureMerger with RIVER_ID because it has multiple occurrences and I was also unable to successfully use the FeatureJoiner. I was also contemplating about using Matcher.


Another issue that occurs in some cases is the fact that in some cases, I have two names. So, let's say that I have Danube again and I have 12 occurrences of Danube and one of Sava. I would need to do some count and pick the one that contains a higher count. Still, this is a rare case and I could generate something to manually go over such examples I needed.

If when aggregating, instead of concatenating the names you build a list, you can then use a listhistogrammer to retrieve the most common value
