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I have FME Server setup to watch a directory where JPGs are dropped by users. When the watcher detects a JPG it runs a workspace that moves all files found to a different folder (post process). FME Server seems to be trying to run the workspace over and over again even though the files were removed by the first run. All attempts after the first fail and another instance is added to the cue. I'm not sure what the cause is. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Hi @ericmorris4



What parameters do you have set up for your directory watch? Do you have it set to run the workspace on create, or do you also have modify and delete?



If you have one workspace that moves all files, but multiple jpgs were added to the folder that is being watched, the workspace should run once for every jpg that's been added even if the workspace is able to handle them all. I assume that would be when your workspace is failing - if there are no jpgs to process any more.

Hi @ericmorris4



What parameters do you have set up for your directory watch? Do you have it set to run the workspace on create, or do you also have modify and delete?



If you have one workspace that moves all files, but multiple jpgs were added to the folder that is being watched, the workspace should run once for every jpg that's been added even if the workspace is able to handle them all. I assume that would be when your workspace is failing - if there are no jpgs to process any more.

The parameters are set to Create only. I have experienced multiple files being moved initially and the workspace running and failing on all but the first one, but now it continues to attempt a run for more than just each file added.

The parameters are set to Create only. I have experienced multiple files being moved initially and the workspace running and failing on all but the first one, but now it continues to attempt a run for more than just each file added.

Can you upload/attach the workspace log files? One for a successful run, and one for the failed run?

Hi @ericmorris4



What parameters do you have set up for your directory watch? Do you have it set to run the workspace on create, or do you also have modify and delete?



If you have one workspace that moves all files, but multiple jpgs were added to the folder that is being watched, the workspace should run once for every jpg that's been added even if the workspace is able to handle them all. I assume that would be when your workspace is failing - if there are no jpgs to process any more.

I am having a similar issue. My Directory watch is set to just create and it runs the triggered workbenches for every file. So if I drop 15 files in the directory. It recognizes the 15 files and processes them all at once, but repeats 14 more times. Is there something I am missing?


I have three workbenches that trigger so for 15 files, 45 individual job log show in completed.
