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Hey guys, I'm having problems with the Workspace runner transformer and I'm completely stuck. I have a very simple workspace that I want to run a large number of files through. It consists of no more than a reader(which is set to merge feature types), a transformer, and a writer (which is set to dynamic schema). I have two published parameters, Source file and Destination.



The runner workspace is equally simple, I use a file and Directory and file pathnames reader to read some files. In the WorkspaceRunner parameters I use "path_windows" as source and the path of a folder for destination.


When I run this with the "Wait for job to complete" option set to No, things will run seemingly without error, but there is no output. When I set the option to Yes, I get the error "Failed to run workspace xxxx.fmw -- Trace was:FME2015.0 .... A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details" with no further clues of what went wrong.


I have googled quite alot and found no one else with this issue, so any help would be appreciated.



The WorkspaceRunner cannot detect the error which occurred in the child workspace, if you have set "No" to the "Wait for Job to Complete" parameter.


First of all, see the log file created by the child workspace to know the error reason.



Thank you very much Takashi, the logfile did indeed help me figure out what's going on!


When I send "path_windows" to the main workspace it looks like this in the other end: 'C:<backslash>Data<backslash>Files_to_convert<backslash>File1' The main workspace can't find the files with a syntax like that. When I enter the path to the file manually in the runner, it all works like it should.


So now the question is, why is the path syntax changed like this, and how do I fix it? Placing an inspector right after the Folder and File pathnames reader, the attribute "path_windows" contains the path to the file in the correct syntax (C:\\Data\\Files_to_convert\\File1)



the backslash has a special meaning sometimes, which can lead FME to transform it before passing it on.



Maybe try using a StringReplacer before the WorkspaceRunner to replace the backslash with a forward slash.



I was able to reproduce the same error with FME 2015.0.


Possibly it's a bug in FME 2015.0, the same workspace works fine with FME 2015.1.


See the FME 2015.1 "what's new" list.  (



I guess this is it.


=== BUILD 15462 20150329 ===


WorkspaceRunner: Fixed an encoding problem where parameter values assigned from attributes didn't work in some cases (C99188 PR#59727 PR#59769)
Thanks a ton both of you, upgrading to 2015.1 did the trick 🙂

Hi All,

I know this is an old post but I am facing same issue as by @mbu

I have a workbench which compares attribute schema for *.shp vs *.xls/x and gives output *.csv

Standalone workbench is working perfectly fine but when I use same WB in Workspacerunner there is no output generated.

I have tried as suggested in above responses.

FME Version: 2018.0 & 2017.1

PFA log file. 1a_Schema_Checker_Shape_Excel.txt1a_Schema_Checker_Shape_Excel_standalone.txtExcel_schema.csv

Any suggestion would be valuable. @takashi @Mark2AtSafe


