FME Desktop Version: 2022.1
OS: Windows 10 Pro
TempPathnameCreator is not creating the full path in file system, omitting the last part of the _pathname attribute value.
Note: Basename and Extension property input values were left empty.
At run-time, _pathname returned a path C:/Users/<username>/AppData/Local/Temp/wbrun_1663507413323_13720/fmetmp_0/1663508664728_25800_d\\tor690.
However, only C:/Users/<username>/AppData/Local/Temp/wbrun_1663507413323_13720/fmetmp_0/1663508664728_25800_d\\ directory was found created, not found the sub-folder tor690 inside.
One more observation is, although it's Windows OS, _pathname attribute value was following the unix path pattern (forward-slash), except the last part (it was backward-slash).