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oops, I send questiion without Content.


Here it comes:



I receive push Messages with XML-data for updating my postgis-db.


It works fine. When the Workspace finished successfully a "Standard" response ist send back.







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<title>FME Server Job Submitter Service</title>






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<center><h1>FME Server Job Submitter Service SUCCEEDED </h1></center>


<p style="border: thin solid green; background-color: #8f8">


Completed successfully


< /p>


<h2>FME Server Transformation Result</h2>






<td>request</td><td>"Verkehr/emobility_test/emobility_test.fmw" -XML_PARAMETER &lt;?xml version="1.1" encoding="UTF-8"?&gt;&lt;TRANSFORMATION_REQUEST&gt;&lt;PUBLISHED_PARAMETER name="FME_SERVER_REQUEST_HEADERS"&gt;{"remote-addr":"","host":"","user-agent":"Apache-HttpClient/4.1.1 (java 1.5)"}&lt;/PUBLISHED_PARAMETER&gt;&lt;PUBLISHED_PARAMETER name="FME_SERVER_REQUEST_URI"&gt;;/PUBLISHED_PARAMETER&gt;&lt;PUBLISHED_PARAMETER name="FME_SERVER_REQUEST_PARAMETERS"&gt;{}&lt;/PUBLISHED_PARAMETER&gt;&lt;FME_DIRECTIVE name="TEXTLINE_1_DATASET"&gt;E:\\FME_Data\\resources\\system\\temp\\requestdata\\1279677290034976_Enew.txt&lt;/FME_DIRECTIVE&gt;&lt;/TRANSFORMATION_REQUEST&gt; --FME_SECURITY_USER "guest" --FME_SECURITY_ROLES "fmeguest" --FME_SERVER_HOST "WFALGPA004" --FME_SERVER_PORT "7071" --FME_SERVER_WEB_URL "http://WFALGPA004:80"</td>






<tr><td>timeRequested</td><td>Mon-16-Jan-2017 05:15:21 PM</td></tr>






<tr><td>timeStarted</td><td>2017-01-16 05:15:21</td></tr>
















<tr><td>timeFinished</td><td>2017-01-16 05:15:21</td></tr>










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But the sending System waits for an message like this.



<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:ns1="" xmlns:xsi="">








< ns1:resultCode>


< ns1:resultCode>ok</ns1:resultCode>


< /ns1:resultCode>


< ns1:resultDescription xsi:nil="true"/>











Do you know how to modify this answer?






Hi @barbara,

I would use the HTTPCaller (POST method) and copy the expected schema into the upload Body parameter.

Hope this helps.

Hi @barbara,

I would use the HTTPCaller (POST method) and copy the expected schema into the upload Body parameter.

Hope this helps.


Hi itay,


I would like to send a message to the sending System, if it all aok or not.


So I had to start a new job by notifications to send the message by http-caller.


I tried to start a new job by notifications , but I still get this standard message of the first job.





Hi itay,


I would like to send a message to the sending System, if it all aok or not.


So I had to start a new job by notifications to send the message by http-caller.


I tried to start a new job by notifications , but I still get this standard message of the first job.




Let me see if I understand correctly, you have a job that finishes and notifies the succes and failure topics and that is the html you posted, right?


What you actually want is to notify a second system on the job status, correct? if so,


and you are using FME Server 2016 then creating 2 ws one for job=ok and second for job=notok that are triggered would be my choice.


I would copy and reuse the topics for succes and failure, so that they are use ONLY for this process and create 2 new workspace subscriptions using the ws to send the messages.



Hope this makes sense.




@itay Yes, you are right.

Your solution - own job success/failed topic -was my first idea. But I still get the same response.


@itay Yes, you are right.

Your solution - own job success/failed topic -was my first idea. But I still get the same response.


FME Server can only response in one way, the idea is to create your expected response in the workspaces triggered by the FME Server response and that way post to the next system.



Hi @itay,

I solved my problem:

I put in my wb a FeatureWriter. Now I can do some more action after writing in the db. So I was able to check , if my db-update was correct. The result of this test I wrote in a text_file. Then I published the Workspace into a datastream-Service

Instead of the standard response , I got my generated response.


Hi @itay,

I solved my problem:

I put in my wb a FeatureWriter. Now I can do some more action after writing in the db. So I was able to check , if my db-update was correct. The result of this test I wrote in a text_file. Then I published the Workspace into a datastream-Service

Instead of the standard response , I got my generated response.


Hi @barbara, very nice! thanks for sharing.

