oops, I send questiion without Content.
Here it comes:
I receive push Messages with XML-data for updating my postgis-db.
It works fine. When the Workspace finished successfully a "Standard" response ist send back.
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<center><h1>FME Server Job Submitter Service SUCCEEDED </h1></center>
<p style="border: thin solid green; background-color: #8f8">
Completed successfully
< /p>
<h2>FME Server Transformation Result</h2>
<td>request</td><td>"Verkehr/emobility_test/emobility_test.fmw" -XML_PARAMETER <?xml version="1.1" encoding="UTF-8"?><TRANSFORMATION_REQUEST><PUBLISHED_PARAMETER name="FME_SERVER_REQUEST_HEADERS">{"remote-addr":"","host":"lgvfme01.fhhnet.stadt.hamburg.de","user-agent":"Apache-HttpClient/4.1.1 (java 1.5)"}</PUBLISHED_PARAMETER><PUBLISHED_PARAMETER name="FME_SERVER_REQUEST_URI">http://lgvfme01.fhhnet.stadt.hamburg.de/fmejobsubmitter/Verkehr/emobility_test.fmw</PUBLISHED_PARAMETER><PUBLISHED_PARAMETER name="FME_SERVER_REQUEST_PARAMETERS">{}</PUBLISHED_PARAMETER><FME_DIRECTIVE name="TEXTLINE_1_DATASET">E:\\FME_Data\\resources\\system\\temp\\requestdata\\1279677290034976_Enew.txt</FME_DIRECTIVE></TRANSFORMATION_REQUEST> --FME_SECURITY_USER "guest" --FME_SECURITY_ROLES "fmeguest" --FME_SERVER_HOST "WFALGPA004" --FME_SERVER_PORT "7071" --FME_SERVER_WEB_URL "http://WFALGPA004:80"</td>
<tr><td>timeRequested</td><td>Mon-16-Jan-2017 05:15:21 PM</td></tr>
<tr><td>timeStarted</td><td>2017-01-16 05:15:21</td></tr>
<tr><td>timeFinished</td><td>2017-01-16 05:15:21</td></tr>
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But the sending System waits for an message like this.
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ns1="http://ochp.eu/1.3" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
< ns1:resultCode>
< ns1:resultCode>ok</ns1:resultCode>
< /ns1:resultCode>
< ns1:resultDescription xsi:nil="true"/>
Do you know how to modify this answer?
Hi @barbara,
I would use the HTTPCaller (POST method) and copy the expected schema into the upload Body parameter.
Hope this helps.
Hi @barbara,
I would use the HTTPCaller (POST method) and copy the expected schema into the upload Body parameter.
Hope this helps.
Hi itay,
I would like to send a message to the sending System, if it all aok or not.
So I had to start a new job by notifications to send the message by http-caller.
I tried to start a new job by notifications , but I still get this standard message of the first job.
Hi itay,
I would like to send a message to the sending System, if it all aok or not.
So I had to start a new job by notifications to send the message by http-caller.
I tried to start a new job by notifications , but I still get this standard message of the first job.
What you actually want is to notify a second system on the job status, correct? if so,
and you are using FME Server 2016 then creating 2 ws one for job=ok and second for job=notok that are triggered would be my choice.
I would copy and reuse the topics for succes and failure, so that they are use ONLY for this process and create 2 new workspace subscriptions using the ws to send the messages.
Hope this makes sense.
@itay Yes, you are right.
Your solution - own job success/failed topic -was my first idea. But I still get the same response.
@itay Yes, you are right.
Your solution - own job success/failed topic -was my first idea. But I still get the same response.
Hi @itay,
I solved my problem:
I put in my wb a FeatureWriter. Now I can do some more action after writing in the db. So I was able to check , if my db-update was correct. The result of this test I wrote in a text_file. Then I published the Workspace into a datastream-Service
Instead of the standard response , I got my generated response.
Hi @itay,
I solved my problem:
I put in my wb a FeatureWriter. Now I can do some more action after writing in the db. So I was able to check , if my db-update was correct. The result of this test I wrote in a text_file. Then I published the Workspace into a datastream-Service
Instead of the standard response , I got my generated response.