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We have two default subscriptions on FME Server which are email tasks that occur on success or failure of a workspace: EmailJob_Success & EmailJob_Failure. Can these be assigned to specific repositories? What if you have two download portals on the same FME Server, can they have different e-mail templates assigned?
Hello breX,



I guess that a new feature of FME 2013 will let you confgure what you want:



I'm not familiar with 2013, but in 2012, as I understand it, each workflow notifies a topic that has one or many subscribed actions, e.g. send an email and/or run another workflow (subscription service), i.e. [workflow > topic > action].  I don't know of a way to subscribe repositories to topics, i.e. repository > topic > action].  I think you would need to create email success and failure topics for each repository and create email subscriptions that associate with each. Then have your workflow notify the relevant topic.  So, Email_JobSuccessRepA subscription is associated with EmailSuccessRepA topic and Workflow1RepA notifies EmailSuccessRepA topic while Email_JobSuccessRepB subscription is associated with EmailSuccessRepB topic and Workflow1RepB notifies EmailSuccessRepB topic.  
