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I recently updated from FME 21 to FME 23. In the old version the relative link worked fine. In the newer version it creates now an extra folde.


C:/temp would be replaced with the macro

In 21: c:/temp/thefileiwanttocreate

In 23: c:/temp/temp/thefileiwanttocreate

How can I prevent FME from creating this extra folder?


Hm, strange - I’m not seeing that issue

I just opened up a new workspace with creator ParameterFetcher and logger. 



Thanks for the quick answer.

You are right, i missed one part.


It was saved as an template.


After opening from the template and saving it to another location, it will create the extra folder, named after the file.

In my workbench it should create an excel file to a specific location.

Afterwards another tool uses this file to do sth else.
