I created a generic fmw file to convert x to y.And i'm trying other x format files in cmd but i'm unable to convert since i dont feature types of newly converting files,how can i pass a command in cmd to select all the feature types instead of mentioning the feature type names.
cmd line:"C:\\Program Files\\FME\\fme.exe" --SourceDataset_CITYGML "C:\\test\\sample.gml" --FEATURE_TYPES "building roof " --DestDataset_CESIUM3DTIES "C:\\test\\t2"
new conversion using the same fmw file
:"C:\\Program Files\\FME\\fme.exe" --SourceDataset_CITYGML "C:\\test\\newsample.gml" --FEATURE_TYPES " " --DestDataset_CESIUM3DTIES "C:\\test\\t3"
since i dont know the feature types how can i pass feature types is there any command to select all instead of passing feature type names.
when i'm running the second command log message was translation is successful but there is no output file.is there any solution for this.Please comment if you know the answer.