I need advice. I would like to dynamicaly read XML fiel using XFMAP to create feature types and extract values. Here is my source XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<b:DataTableList xmlns:b="http:\\wwww.b.com">
I would like to create feature type using davkaTable Name (/b:DataTableList/b:DavkaTable/b:Name) and each featuretype wil have own attributes defined in columnList section. I created following XFMAP file:
<feature-map multi-feature-construction="true">
<note> construct an FME feature when we read the 'Feature' element. </note>
<mapping match="b:DataTableList/b:DavkaTable">
<extract expr="./b:Name"/>
<mapping match="b:DataTableList/b:DavkaTable/b:RowList/b:Row/b:ColumnList/b:Column">
<attribute type="sequenced">
<extract expr="./b:Name"/>
<extract expr="./b:Value"/>
Using this XFMAP I can create featuretypes structure, but I have problem to load values for each row. Only first row is taken into account instead 2 rows for featuretype dtCisTriedZnakKolaje and three rows for dtCisDoprUrc. Please, could you advice me, what is wrong ? Thank you very much.