Thank you,
Thank you,
I used quite a few of them: AttributeKeeper, BulkAttributeRenamer, AttributeRenamer, AttributeCreator, StringConcatenator, and Expression Evaluator in that order. That is followed by two vertex creators (one for surface of well, and one for the subsurface), PointConnector (to turn the two points of each well into a single multipoint), Reprojector, and finally the writer. The input is a CSV and the output is a SHP. I realize this might be overkill as far as attribute editors go, but this is my first real workflow, so I'm being thorough (and don't know of a better way).
Thank you,
First of all, I would recommend you to use Data Inspector to check whether each step works as your expecting and find where the issue occurs.
For example, if you connected Data Inspector to the ExpressionEvaluator, would preferable attribute values appear on the Table View? and so on.
as you probably know, SHAPE files cannot have attribute names longer than 10 characters. This is a limitation of the format, not FME.
Also, if you used something like the Workbench wizard to generate your workspace, you will have to manually edit the output feature type definition to reflect the changes you make to your attributes in your workspace.
If none of this helps, please consider posting some screenshots.
Thank you both for your answers! I was as simple as changing my output to a geodatabase feature class rather than a shapefile due to that darn 10 character rule. :-) Now that all the attributes are there, is there a transformer to re-order the attributes?
Thank you!
you can re-order the attributes in the output feature type: