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Hello there!

I use BulkAttributeRenamer to add a Prefix to all Attributes of two tables I need to merge as they both have the same attribute name.

Often when I load a FME Workbench the BulkAttributeRenamer transformer is broken. It does save all the options, but simply doesn't work. The output features show no prefix and the following FeatureMerger does not work, as the attribute names don't fit.

Does somebody know how to fix this problem?

I've used the BulkAttributeRenamer quite a lot and I've never experienced this problem.

Which version of FME are you using? Would an upgrade make sense for you?

Is it a list attribute you are trying to rename? I do see an existing report of a problem in that scenario (PR#51208). But other than that I don't see anything reported newer than 2013/2014. As David says can you tell us which version you are using (and - if it is different - which version the workspace was created in)? Also a screenshot of the transformer parameters dialog would be helpful.

I have just encountered this bug as well. Workspace was created in FME 2013 using BulkAttributeRenamer Version 0. I now use FME 2016.1 and 100+ BulkAttributeRenamers just all stopped working (I have been using 2016.1 for a few months and it's worked fine in the past). The transformers after each BulkAttributeRenamer were all highlighted as Incomplete due to expecting non-existent attributes and this wasn't the case before so I know its something that's just happened right now. Individually Right-clicking & upgrading them to Version 4 fixes this.

Already fixed in FME 2016.1.1.0 16588


Workbench: Fix problem where BulkAttributeRenamer was broken if there were
a mixture of old and newer versions of the transformer (PR69981). C115440
