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FME Server Schedules for Week Day Only

  • 7 November 2016
  • 5 replies

I have a scheduled script in FME Server that has to run every half hour during week days. However, I have to schedule it to run every half hour for 24 hours a day for every day in FME Server 2015, so that it runs at night and on weekends when it doesn't have to. Are there any plans to improve the granularity of the schedule in a future FME Server version?

5 replies

Badge +16

Hi @jimo That is something that someone from Safe can probably answer, I find the option to use a cron expressions very handy.

Userlevel 1
Badge +17

Using a CRON job is the way you can set up flexible schedules.

This website expains the settings:

Badge +1

Using a CRON job is the way you can set up flexible schedules.

This website expains the settings:

There is some discrepancy between the tutsplus documentation and the FME Server documentation. The former has five required fields, the latter six. Also, I am wondering if this command will work on a Windows FME Server.



This command should run every half hour between 4:00 AM and 7:00 PM, Monday thru Friday, as I understand it the syntax:



* 29,59 4-19 * * 2-6 "C:\\ProgramData\\Safe Software\\FME Server\\Server\\repository\\MY_REPOSITORY_NAME\\MY_FME_SCRIPT\\MY_FME_SCRIPT.fmw"



But no matter what variation I try it I get "The CRON expression syntax is not valid". Perhaps some guru from the FME team can elucidate?






Badge +16
There is some discrepancy between the tutsplus documentation and the FME Server documentation. The former has five required fields, the latter six. Also, I am wondering if this command will work on a Windows FME Server.



This command should run every half hour between 4:00 AM and 7:00 PM, Monday thru Friday, as I understand it the syntax:



* 29,59 4-19 * * 2-6 "C:\\ProgramData\\Safe Software\\FME Server\\Server\\repository\\MY_REPOSITORY_NAME\\MY_FME_SCRIPT\\MY_FME_SCRIPT.fmw"



But no matter what variation I try it I get "The CRON expression syntax is not valid". Perhaps some guru from the FME team can elucidate?







I would use the fme server link and from my own experience I know it will work on a windows environment.
Userlevel 5
Badge +13

FME Server uses the quartz scheduler.

This website can help you create cron statements for the quartz scheduler and thus FME Server:

Here is an entry on the Ideas exchange for improving the scheduler.

It would be great if you added your requirements there so that we can make the best improvement for the most people.
