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Hello everybody,

please, Im trying to solve problem with FME license server. As I checked, there is possibility to restrict one floating license for specific usergroup (check there But, and its my question, is there any possibility to set exact usage time for specific usergroup?

E.g. Just imagine FME License server with 2 floating licenses. I just wanna to restrict one license for usergroup called "GIS" only for daytime from 6PM till 6AM. From 6AM till 6PM, both licenses should be available for all users (doesnt matter of what usergroup). Is there any tool how to set it up please?


Thank You so much for all ideas!


As far as I know this isn't possible.

You can also look in the full documentation for the Flexserver license server, you will find it in your installaton directory under ...\\FlexServer\\Documents\\LicenseAdministration.pdf

The closest to achieving this (in FME 2018) would be using Queues:

Set up a queue Q1 for GIS (priority high) using Engine1

Set up a queue Q2 for all (priority low) using both engines.

Then assign Q1 to user group GIS and Q2 to all users.

This does not restrict all users from using Engine1, but will give the GIS group higher priority.

The closest to achieving this (in FME 2018) would be using Queues:

Set up a queue Q1 for GIS (priority high) using Engine1

Set up a queue Q2 for all (priority low) using both engines.

Then assign Q1 to user group GIS and Q2 to all users.

This does not restrict all users from using Engine1, but will give the GIS group higher priority.

I have posted an idea for this some time ago:

As far as I know this isn't possible.

You can also look in the full documentation for the Flexserver license server, you will find it in your installaton directory under ...\\FlexServer\\Documents\\LicenseAdministration.pdf

Hello @david_r,


you´re right. Unfortunately, I explored whole documentation and there in no possibility to solve my problem.

Anyway, thank You so much!


The closest to achieving this (in FME 2018) would be using Queues:

Set up a queue Q1 for GIS (priority high) using Engine1

Set up a queue Q2 for all (priority low) using both engines.

Then assign Q1 to user group GIS and Q2 to all users.

This does not restrict all users from using Engine1, but will give the GIS group higher priority.

Hello @erik_jan,



great idea! Unfortunately, in this case there is no FME server, but only license server. But anyway, I will test your idea on my FME Server :-)

Thank You so much!

