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Hi everyone,

I use FME daily in many crucial processes I have developed here and I am running into quite an issue.

I have done some research here but don't think I found anything exactly the same as what I have so I will explain.


I have just been moved to a new Win10 64bit Machine. I do a lot of processes to and from Smallworld and different types of ESRI environments as well as a lot of Database reading and writing.

I find any process I am writing or using that has been written in the past that involves reading or writing from an Access Database is crashing especially on the writing to the database aspect.


I get the following as it crashes:

Microsoft Access Writer: Unable to find provider 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0', falling back to 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'. Microsoft Access 2013 Runtime might be missing from your system; follow this link for more information:

Microsoft Access Writer: Connection failed. Connection string `Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Jet OLEDB:Engine Type=6;Data Source=N:\\GIS\\Projects\\2018 GPS-DBs\\Deliverables from Davey\\IT_Support_Database.accdb;User ID=admin;Password=********'. Provider error `(-2147217887) Multiple-step OLE DB operation generated errors. Check each OLE DB status value, if available. No work was done.'

Failed to open writer


Feature output statistics for `MDB_ADO' writer using keyword `MDB_ADO_1':


Features Written



Total Features Written 0


Failed to open writer

Failed to open writer


I did see the previous article about the redistributable file from Microsoft but does not seem to be working.


Unfortunately the version of Smallworld we use here at Eversource is not compatible with 64bit FME.

I am desperate for help or what a possible resolution is so I can forward to IT department as this really prevents me from doing many crucial tasks.


Thank in advance for any help that may be provided,



Hi @sav426


Can you confirm that you have Office 365 product downloaded including Access database engine, If not Please download it from here

As mentioned in the post here Office 365 Access needs to be installed on the machine in order for FME to read and write using the driver.



Can you confirm after installing the run-time this works?

