I am currently running FME, Windows Server, on an EC2 instance, build #16494. I am currently adding 32 FME Engines on Separate EC2 instances to increase my processing capacity, according to this recipe: http://docs.safe.com/fme/html/FME_Server_Documenta...
Question: Does FME server have the ability to Auto Spin up one, or multiple <engineHost> machines (These would be EC2 <engineHost> AMIs) as jobs enter the queue of the <coreHost>?
That is, say I have 1 engine on the <coreHost>, and 5 jobs enter the queue. Can the <coreHost> launch one, or multiple, <engineHost> AMIs to process jobs in a queue? Such that, in this example, 5 separate <engineHost> machines would be spun up, 1 for each job in the queue.
This is important for me, because it allows me to turn off the tap, and only pay for my EC2 instances on demand. Thanks.