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ArcGis 10.5 licences aren't recognized anymore

  • 12 January 2017
  • 4 replies

I recently installed the new ArcGis (10.5) on our system. ArcGis is working perfectly well, but since then FME isn't able to execute ArcGis related (GeoDatabase) tasks. The Error call is: Unable to check out an Esri license. Please ensure ArcGIS is correctly licensed and that there are available licenses.

Is this a known problem and what can I do to solve it (except for waiting 2 weeks for the new FME release). The only thing I can think of is reinstall the older ArcGis.

I have noticed the same thing when we upgraded to ArcGIS 10.4. It seems you need a new version of FME as well to keep them working together.

I found the answer elsewhere on this forum: Seems I have to upgrade to FME 2016.1.3. Sorry for bothering you all.

I have noticed the same thing when we upgraded to ArcGIS 10.4. It seems you need a new version of FME as well to keep them working together.

By the way you could try using the Geodatabase API reader/writer in the meantime. If you only need to to basic read/write tasks, it may be sufficient.



For the future, this link is the reference for version compatibility questions between FME and ArcGIS:
