Welcome to the new FME Community

  • 6 February 2024
  • 29 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +35

Dear FME Community Members,
I'm thrilled to welcome you to our newly launched FME Community platform!

This new platform is completely redesigned, with new and updated functionality, more options for connecting with fellow FME users than ever before, and a whole new range of gamification badges and rewards. It’s faster, sleeker, and lets us customize it in ways to help you get the information you need, when you need it.



As I always say - in a completely non-rehearsed and natural way - the FME Community is your one-stop destination for all things FME. Here, you can connect with peers, share ideas, and get answers to your pressing questions, as well as register for upcoming events and learn about the latest and greatest FME product updates.

I encourage you to explore our forums, contribute to discussions, and share your insights. Your active participation not only enriches the community but also helps you to climb our reputation leaderboard, where we recognize and reward our most engaged and helpful members.

If you have any questions or need assistance, the community is here to help. And remember, our support team is just a click away for additional support.

I’m looking forward to seeing your contributions and interactions in our community!

Warm regards,

Mark Ireland
FME Evangelist

29 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +32

Thanks @mark2atsafe 

Badge +2

Hi @mark2atsafe ! Where have all the great articles gone? Like https://community.safe.com/s/article/Tutorial-Getting-Started-with-OpenAI-in-FME and https://community.safe.com/s/article/How-to-create-an-FME-Web-Connection-for-Esri-ArcGIS-Portal-Feature-Service-OAuth-2-0 and many, many others. The URL:s have been broken for some days now.

Userlevel 1
Badge +22

Rebranding and increasing prices last year (and no more transparency on the pricing, you used to have them on the Pricing - FME by Safe Software page, now just “Our competitor’s prices? There’s no comparison” bullshit), selling and exiting for one of the co-owners this year.

Now “welcome” messages with links to “Sorry, this page is unavailable”.

What's next?

I used to come daily to the community page. It was my primary source for learning FME. Now it’s just FME staff on here (or maybe bots?), directing us to learning resources.

I can not help but wonder if I will still be able to use FME in 2 or 5 years without some fancy subscription and a permanent link to Safe’s servers.

Get it together or you will loose the user base! You can not sell a product if no one wants to buy it.

Good luck with the new “thing”!

Userlevel 5
Badge +32

Hi @mark2atsafe ! Where have all the great articles gone? Like https://community.safe.com/s/article/Tutorial-Getting-Started-with-OpenAI-in-FME and https://community.safe.com/s/article/How-to-create-an-FME-Web-Connection-for-Esri-ArcGIS-Portal-Feature-Service-OAuth-2-0 and many, many others. The URL:s have been broken for some days now.

Hi @johpet ,


I believe it is because of the migration that is happening these days.
Things will be normal in the next few days :)
Badge +2

Hi @mark2atsafe ! Where have all the great articles gone? Like https://community.safe.com/s/article/Tutorial-Getting-Started-with-OpenAI-in-FME and https://community.safe.com/s/article/How-to-create-an-FME-Web-Connection-for-Esri-ArcGIS-Portal-Feature-Service-OAuth-2-0 and many, many others. The URL:s have been broken for some days now.

Hi @johpet ,


I believe it is because of the migration that is happening these days.
Things will be normal in the next few days :)

Ah, makes sense. They were all great for references when setting up integrations. Looking forward to them being available again, I cannot even find cached ones online now. Thanks for the reply!

Userlevel 2
Badge +21

The new Community looks good, but it is going to need some getting used to it. It is so far much better than the porevious one, which I never liked.


What are the  small numbers beside the user handles?

Userlevel 3
Badge +27

Will the leaderboard from the previous version be carried forward to this platform?

Userlevel 3
Badge +15

The new Community looks good, but it is going to need some getting used to it. It is so far much better than the porevious one, which I never liked.


What are the  small numbers beside the user handles?

@oscard Those are your community ranks! Based on reputation:


Will the leaderboard from the previous version be carried forward to this platform?

@dustin  We were unable to carry previous reputation points over to this platform, but sometimes it is good to start fresh! Looks like you are already moving up the board quickly! Thanks for contributing to the FME Community! 

Userlevel 3
Badge +15

Hi @mark2atsafe ! Where have all the great articles gone? Like https://community.safe.com/s/article/Tutorial-Getting-Started-with-OpenAI-in-FME and https://community.safe.com/s/article/How-to-create-an-FME-Web-Connection-for-Esri-ArcGIS-Portal-Feature-Service-OAuth-2-0 and many, many others. The URL:s have been broken for some days now.

Hi @johpet ,


I believe it is because of the migration that is happening these days.
Things will be normal in the next few days :)

Ah, makes sense. They were all great for references when setting up integrations. Looking forward to them being available again, I cannot even find cached ones online now. Thanks for the reply!

@johpet  We are just sorting out some redirect issues. All the Knowledge Base articles are still online and are available at support.safe.com (If you change community to support in any Knowledge Base url, it will work!). We hope to have everything redirected shortly so all your favorite bookmarks will work. Thank you for your patience while we transition. 

Badge +6

I found an issue, code blocks that were migrated are now missing line breaks, two example posts:




Badge +6

Another issue, posts made by other people are not showing a date, can you please add it back?

I like the new simpler look and the fast loading speeds, thanks!

Userlevel 5
Badge +32

Hi @mark2atsafe ! Where have all the great articles gone? Like https://community.safe.com/s/article/Tutorial-Getting-Started-with-OpenAI-in-FME and https://community.safe.com/s/article/How-to-create-an-FME-Web-Connection-for-Esri-ArcGIS-Portal-Feature-Service-OAuth-2-0 and many, many others. The URL:s have been broken for some days now.

Hi @johpet ,


I believe it is because of the migration that is happening these days.
Things will be normal in the next few days :)

Ah, makes sense. They were all great for references when setting up integrations. Looking forward to them being available again, I cannot even find cached ones online now. Thanks for the reply!

@johpet you are wellcome

Userlevel 3
Badge +15

Another issue, posts made by other people are not showing a date, can you please add it back?

I like the new simpler look and the fast loading speeds, thanks!

Hi @chk1 Thank you for catching that! I’ve added it back in. Posting and reply dates should be available everywhere again. If you hover your mouse over the date, it will show the exact date. 


Badge +6

Looks like my other was lost in the moderation queue: Code blocks from old posts are now lacking line breaks - examples can be found when searching for posts with code e.g. for “PythonCaller”, one of my previous posts has it too (“What causes a workspace fmw to be saved in JSON format?”)

Userlevel 4
Badge +17

Hello, a few of my posts (and my precious karma 😞) have been removed during the migration. Are they lost or am I just a little impatient? 

Userlevel 3
Badge +15

Looks like my other was lost in the moderation queue: Code blocks from old posts are now lacking line breaks - examples can be found when searching for posts with code e.g. for “PythonCaller”, one of my previous posts has it too (“What causes a workspace fmw to be saved in JSON format?”)

@chk1 I found your post in Moderation - looking to see why it was sent to moderation. I’m looking into what is causing the issues in the posts. Thank you for your patience. 

Userlevel 3
Badge +27

Is there a way to show the number of views on threads? I found that helpful in the old forum.

Userlevel 3
Badge +27

Also, when someone quotes a posts, it would be beneficial if the quoted portion had a different background color. The italic wording is good, but a different background would create separation between the “quoter” and the “quotee”. 😁

Userlevel 2
Badge +21

This new community is being hit by a lot of spammers. Never saw one in the previous ones. It’s weird 😅

Userlevel 5
Badge +32

This new community is being hit by a lot of spammers. Never saw one in the previous ones. It’s weird 😅

The volume of spam posts has remained more or less the same but on the old community I (as community champion / volunteer with special powers) tried to remove them as soon as I saw them and perhaps the other community champions did so too. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem like I have those special powers anymore (and I must admit I can’t devote as much time to that anymore).

I do agree spammers are annoying and I hope they step on a lego brick whilst barefoot.

Badge +39

I got a request for a sample workspace I attached to a question in the old community. Will these be re added in the future?

Specific topic:


Badge +39

Also, is it possible to add workspace extentions (.fmw .fmwt .ffs) to the supported uploadeble file formats? Now we have to zip a workspace to upload it.

Badge +39

When I try to add a link to the FME hub, my answer is removed with the “will be reviewed” message. Is this how it should work?

Also, is this the place where I should add findings / feedback? Or do you want me to add it somewhere else? Or not at all 🤡

Userlevel 5
Badge +35

When I try to add a link to the FME hub, my answer is removed with the “will be reviewed” message. Is this how it should work?

Also, is this the place where I should add findings / feedback? Or do you want me to add it somewhere else? Or not at all 🤡

Hi Niels. Can you click the Feedback link at the foot of the page and add them there? Then we’ll have a better record of any issues.


Also, is it possible to add workspace extentions (.fmw .fmwt .ffs) to the supported uploadeble file formats? Now we have to zip a workspace to upload it.

I’m afraid not. That is one of the limitations that this new platform puts on us. I think the amount of better functionality is way more than the amount of worse functionality, but this is one of the issues that we will have to live with.

Userlevel 5
Badge +35

I got a request for a sample workspace I attached to a question in the old community. Will these be re added in the future?

Specific topic:


They should have been copied already, but it seems to be a special case and my colleague Liz will investigate tomorrow.
