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FME Server Email subscription custom template

Related products: FME Flow

In FME Server 2019 on the email subscriptions protocol settings there is a drop down Load Template menu to populate some of the settings as per popular email services.

It would be nice if we could add a custom template to that list, to use when setting up new subscriptions, rather than having to duplicate an existing subscription.

Alternatively, there could be an option to 'Use System Configuration' or by default the fields will be autopopulated with the values from the system email configuration.

Importing the configuration would be awesome. Right now you have to configure the same settings for each subscription which is a bit annoying.

I think defaulting to the system configuration if no other settings were made could also be an option.

And my IT department just retired it's email server, I now have to reconfigure 42 subscriptions. I was able to do it via the rest api, but I would have been a lot happier to change it in one place and have all the subscriptions updated automatically.

I second jdh suggestion to 'Use System Configuration' or have the fields autopopulate with that, but would add that if I need to change the System Configuration, there should be an option or popup when changing those values to allow me to choose to auto update all Automations/Subscriptions that use the values that are being changed.

I would also add that I would like to see similar Templates implemented for the "Make an HTTP Request" External Action as well. We have been using that to call the Microsoft Teams Incoming Webhook connector to post errors to a Teams channel as opposed to sending emails, which has worked well for us.

I like the idea having our email settings in a custom template.

Was good for subscriptions in 2019 and would be as well for automations today.


It's a bit annoying to copy our emails settings when creating an email tigger or an external action.

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Any update on if there are plans to allow users to create their own custom templates for use in Send an Email (External Action) in an Automation?

Would make all our lives easier not having to retype our organization’s credentials every time we add Email to an Automation,