
How to have someone else review 3 attributes?

  • 19 October 2022
  • 2 replies

Badge +7

I have a large FME desktop workspace that works great. It reads an ArcGIS Online feature service (2 tables), joins the 2 tables, makes many, many changes (new attributes, etc.), then writes to a different ArcGIS Online feature service (1 table). I plan to run this daily with a batch file using the Task Scheduler. The destination table is published to a group of people.


My issue/question is that I need 1 to 3 attributes to be reviewed. Usually a few records (out of several hundred) need to be modified. I'm sorry my question is vague. I'm thinking that there may be way to write (publish) a few attributes to a software solution to facilitate approval records after reviewing a few attributes. The few records that aren't approved would be flagged then I would manually make the change in the ArcGIS source. An example would be removing PII such as a person's name.

2 replies

Badge +6

Hi @datablue​, from what I understand it sounds like you want to only write certain attributes that meet a criteria before publishing to your desired platform. I will share a few transformers that I think would help you get started. Please elaborate on your use case further.

Badge +7

Hi @datablue​, from what I understand it sounds like you want to only write certain attributes that meet a criteria before publishing to your desired platform. I will share a few transformers that I think would help you get started. Please elaborate on your use case further.

Hi @jennaatsafe​ , thanks for responding and suggesting transformers. My use case is reviewing an attribute for possible PII (Personally Identifiable Information) such as a person's name. Basically, I need someone to manually review and approve each record. This might be beyond the scope of what FME can do.
