
FME Server workspace app does not register file upload

  • 13 October 2022
  • 4 replies



I hope someone can help me with the following.

I have a workspace app, lets call it "app1", which uses the file/URL parameter and the "User can Upload" setting in the Edit workspace apps enviroment to upload data.

When I test the workspace, it correctly shows that the file is processed and ready for use.


I have also have another workspace, let's call it "app2", which uses the exact same setting as app1 for the file/URL parameter and the workspace app.

However, when testing the workspace app, it does not register the file upload

imagePressing upload file does not process or show a filename or percentages of completion. Browse resources and "drag and drop" produce the same result: no file upload.

The tool behind the workspace app works, but will not do the designed tasks which need this parameter.

I find it strange that the same setting work in one workspace app but not the other.

Any experiences with such issues?


Thanks in advance!

4 replies

Badge +5



Do you see any errors in Developer tools when you upload the file to the workspace app? The following instructions are for Google Chrome and may differ if you are using a different browser. 

  1. Open your browser
  2. Right-click > Inspect
  3. In the new side panel, select the Network tab
  4. Navigate to the workspace app and attempt to upload the file.
  5. The request that fails will be listed in red, click on this and view the preview tab to see the full response


imageYou can select 'Save all as HAR Content' and share this file 



Do you see any errors in Developer tools when you upload the file to the workspace app? The following instructions are for Google Chrome and may differ if you are using a different browser. 

  1. Open your browser
  2. Right-click > Inspect
  3. In the new side panel, select the Network tab
  4. Navigate to the workspace app and attempt to upload the file.
  5. The request that fails will be listed in red, click on this and view the preview tab to see the full response


imageYou can select 'Save all as HAR Content' and share this file 

Hi Merline,


Using the steps described above resulted in the following:


App1: Showed a POST session which uploaded the file

App2: Showed nothing at all


I did some more digging and found a small difference between the apps.

The File Upload parameter in App1 is not in a Group Box parameter.

The File Upload parameter in App2 is in a Group Box Parameter and has the Checked configuration.

As a test, I put the file upload parameter in App2 outside the Group Box and it worked. Via this way I can use the File Upload correctly in App2.


It seems that the File Upload parameter doesn't fully work in a Group Box Parameter (checked) in a Workspace App.





Badge +1

Hi Merline,


Using the steps described above resulted in the following:


App1: Showed a POST session which uploaded the file

App2: Showed nothing at all


I did some more digging and found a small difference between the apps.

The File Upload parameter in App1 is not in a Group Box parameter.

The File Upload parameter in App2 is in a Group Box Parameter and has the Checked configuration.

As a test, I put the file upload parameter in App2 outside the Group Box and it worked. Via this way I can use the File Upload correctly in App2.


It seems that the File Upload parameter doesn't fully work in a Group Box Parameter (checked) in a Workspace App.





I can confirm i have the same issue with File Uploads not working inside a Group Box.


@Test Test​  can this be fixed?

Badge +7

Hi Merline,


Using the steps described above resulted in the following:


App1: Showed a POST session which uploaded the file

App2: Showed nothing at all


I did some more digging and found a small difference between the apps.

The File Upload parameter in App1 is not in a Group Box parameter.

The File Upload parameter in App2 is in a Group Box Parameter and has the Checked configuration.

As a test, I put the file upload parameter in App2 outside the Group Box and it worked. Via this way I can use the File Upload correctly in App2.


It seems that the File Upload parameter doesn't fully work in a Group Box Parameter (checked) in a Workspace App.





@kelvin.jenkins​ and @waterbeemds​ 

Apologies for the inconvenience this has caused you.

This has been resolved in FME Server 2022.2

Known Issues in FME 2022.x
