
I am attempting to load a GML file into PostGIS via FME and get the following error: Bulk copy failed on table 'public.physical_oceanographic_map' using delimiter ':'. Error was 'ERROR: extra data after last expected column

  • 16 August 2022
  • 1 reply

Sample data from the gml file:

` <gml:featureMember>

  <nzodn:physical_oceanographic_map fid="physical_oceanographic_map.fid-4332c03c_1829f0e6782_-2349">














    <gml:Point srsName="">

     <gml:coordinates xmlns:gml="" decimal="." cs="," ts=" ">172.693333,-46.236333</gml:coordinates>






  <nzodn:physical_oceanographic_map fid="physical_oceanographic_map.fid-4332c03c_1829f0e6782_-2348">














    <gml:Point srsName="">

     <gml:coordinates xmlns:gml="" decimal="." cs="," ts=" ">172.695667,-46.235</gml:coordinates>






1 reply

Badge +6

Hi @byroncinnz​ it sounds like your GML may have some syntax errors. How are you reading in your GML? Would you be able to share a sample workspace?
