
Convert DWG with no projection to BNG and Shapefile

I have a dwg in CAD, it doesn't have a projection, I need to convert this to a shapefile, how can I add the British National Grid and move the drawing to the correct co-ordinates?

2 replies

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Hi, maybe first in shp and then in Qgis move your hands?

Userlevel 1
Badge +11

Hi @saqibamin​ 

Does your DWG file currently have a known coordinate system? If so, you can use the CoordinateSystemSetter. If not, you will need to move this file into a known location through the LocalCoordinateSystemSetter before reprojecting to the British National Grid.


If you do not have known points in the file linking 0,0 on the file to a known point on the Earth's surface, you may need to do some guesswork with Google Maps. Or you could try ArcGIS where I believe there's a tool you can adjust your dwg to the correct location against a basemap.
