
FBX to GeoJSON origin point issue?

I have a workspace with an FBX input (file attached) which is essentially a cylinder with oval ends with a few transformations which then writes to GeoJSON. It has a CoordinateSystemSetter transformation applied set to EPSG:6677.

When viewing the GeoJSON ouput via Cesium we noticed the cylinder is just slightly out from where it should display.

We believe this is due to the origin point not being the center of the cylinder.

I have applied the following to try and correct the issue which does look closer:

Added a CenterPointExtractor transformer (_inside_[x or y])

Added a BoundsExtractor transformer

Added a Affiner transformer which uses results from the above two transformers to attempt to center the point of origin (only interested in the x and y axis). The Affiner is set to:

1 0 -(@Value(_xmax) - @Value(_inside_x))/2

0 1 (@Value(_ymax) - @Value(_inside_y))/2


Any thoughts on the above if I am doing it correctly and how the origin point works for FBX files in FME i.e. does it come from the FBX file itself or does FME default it to one of the boundary corners?


Thank you kindly for any assistance or feedback anyone can offer!

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