
How does passing params in a POST request to a manually triggered automation actually work?

  • 8 June 2022
  • 1 reply

Hello, I'm trying to set up an automation that runs a workbench that has one parameter that needs to be passed through. I am running this automation from a manual trigger. I have configured a post request that can hit the trigger successfully, however, I am having trouble getting the param value from the request into my automated workbench. I have read all of the documentation and articles on keys that I could find, but as far as I can tell it's not really clear how these values are passed through.


I am currently trying to trigger through the server web UI. My manual trigger has a manual key named 'input_id', and I have mapped this to the workbench parmas on the tick branch, that shows 'manual.input_id'. However, when I trigger the workbench with valid JSON containing as below, it does run the workbench, but fails as the param is passed in as '{manual.input_id'} rather than feeding my JSON attribute value in.




Could someone please explain how I actually pass a parameter into the automation through a JSON so that it actually populates the param? Do I need to pass anything in the URL, does my JSON format need to include anything about 'message' that appears a few times in the docs? Any help appreciated!


1 reply

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Hello @jrprororo​ ,


You would need to create a published parameter that accepts manual.input_id as the value. And then use that published parameter in the workspace where needed. We have a Safe Software webinar for a good overview of keys that might be helpful:
