
I'd like to be able to identify polygons from one dataset that touch a polygon from a different dataset then tag that the polygon touches on one (or multiple( edges.



The image below is an extract from a much larger dataset. The image shows:

  • Vegetation as the green polygon
  • Buildings as hollow fill polygons


The polygons are on two different datasets and have been built in such a way that the edge between the two polygons are 'edge to edge'.


I need to be able to identify those buildings that 'touch' the vegetation polygon which I have identified with the red dot.

imageIt's been a while since I had to use this type of analysis and after searching the FME forum I'm still stuck. I guess could be overcomplicating my thought process. I know MapInfo has the functionality to do this but wanted to learn FME's approach.


Any help would be very much appreciated.

2 replies

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@jez​ FME has several spatial join (webinar) tools. Merging or Joining Spatial Data is a good place to start, as well as the webinar link. I think I'd jump to the SpatialRelator but success will depend on how clean the data is.


@jez​ FME has several spatial join (webinar) tools. Merging or Joining Spatial Data is a good place to start, as well as the webinar link. I think I'd jump to the SpatialRelator but success will depend on how clean the data is.

I knew there would be an appropriate transformer, marketsafe you are a star! The SpatialRelator with the Spatial Predicates to Test set to "Requestor OGC-Touches Supplier" works perfectly. Thankfully the data is in an excellent condition and this works perfectly.
