
ArcGIS Online Feature Service Reader issue: FMEException: 928221 with error code 498 from server

  • 24 November 2021
  • 9 replies

I am attempting to make a connection to an AGOL feature service through the ArcGIS Online Feature Service Reader and receive the above exception and error indicating invalid token. I just created the web connection using valid credentials so this shouldn't be a refresh token issue. I've tried creating multiple web connections for AGOL and get the same exception/error each time. Note: I am not the owner of the feature service however is is shared to my organization. The credentials I'm using to try to create the connection are admin credentials for my organization.


I have never attempted to connect to an AGOL feature service before so any help would be appreciated. I realize there are similar forum posts/questions but none seem to resolve my issue.

9 replies

Userlevel 2
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Hi @tifffinke​ would you be able to specify if this was an error with FME Server or FME Desktop? Additionally would you be able to attach a copy of the log file you receive when you try to run the workspace? This will help us to better troubleshoot the situation.


If your issue is to do with FME Server then I recommend taking a look at this article on how to properly setup an ArcGIS Online Web Connection for FME Server

Hi @tifffinke​ would you be able to specify if this was an error with FME Server or FME Desktop? Additionally would you be able to attach a copy of the log file you receive when you try to run the workspace? This will help us to better troubleshoot the situation.


If your issue is to do with FME Server then I recommend taking a look at this article on how to properly setup an ArcGIS Online Web Connection for FME Server

Hi Dan,

The error is occurring using FME Desktop. Attached is the log file and here is a screenshot of the exact error. Thanks for your help!


Hi Dan,

The error is occurring using FME Desktop. Attached is the log file and here is a screenshot of the exact error. Thanks for your help!


After doing more testing, I am able to successfully connect to several other AGOL feature service layers that are owned by and shared to my organization, however the feature service I'm interested in connecting to is owned by a partner organization and shared with my organization using this workflow. I am unable to connect to any feature service that is in this shared group (regardless of whether we are owners or our partners are the owners) so I'm thinking it's an issue with way the items are shared.


Details on how the feature service is created/shared:

  • In ArcGIS Online, create a group with members from my organization and partner organization
  • Publish feature service to Portal using registered data from sde
  • Log into ArcGIS Portal and copy the item url from the published service
  • Log into ArcGIS Online and create a new item using the copied url (turn on option to store credentials with item and enter credentials to authenticate)
  • Share the service item to the share group


This allows both organizations to share live content from their Portal without having to share anything publicly.

Does anyone have experience with this type of secured collaboration and how this might affect the ability of FME's AGOL Feature Service Reader to connect to such services?

Userlevel 2
Badge +10

Hi Dan,

The error is occurring using FME Desktop. Attached is the log file and here is a screenshot of the exact error. Thanks for your help!


@tifffinke​ I'm going to point you towards an older article which still has a workaround on how to get this working. Typically this error (Python Exception <KeyError>: u'items') was only present in older versions of FME (2018 and older) so please let me know if this error is showing up in your logs. Either way try the workaround in that article to see if it solves your issue.


Let me know how that goes.

Hi Dan,

The error is occurring using FME Desktop. Attached is the log file and here is a screenshot of the exact error. Thanks for your help!



The Feature Service Parameter is already filled in with the Group/Feature Service name (Feature ID) syntax as indicated in the article. The error is the same as above mentioned.


Please note: I am not getting the python error mentioned in the article in my log.


Userlevel 2
Badge +10

Hi Dan,

The error is occurring using FME Desktop. Attached is the log file and here is a screenshot of the exact error. Thanks for your help!


@tifffinke​  thanks for clarifying that. Just one more question - what version of FME are you using? We haven't yet seen this bug on versions later than 2018, so if this is a newer version then we might consider that this bug has returned.

Hi Dan,

The error is occurring using FME Desktop. Attached is the log file and here is a screenshot of the exact error. Thanks for your help!


I am using the Data Interoperability Extension with FME(R) 2021.1.2.0 (20210903 - Build 21627 - WIN64)

Hi Dan,

The error is occurring using FME Desktop. Attached is the log file and here is a screenshot of the exact error. Thanks for your help!


Hi Dan,

Just wondering if you've been able to look into this any further and if it is a bug? Would it be possible to open a support ticket for this issue?


Userlevel 2
Badge +10

Hi Dan,

The error is occurring using FME Desktop. Attached is the log file and here is a screenshot of the exact error. Thanks for your help!


Hi @tifffinke​ , I apologize for the delayed response. I'm looking into reproducing the issue in order to file a bug report as this does seem to be heading that direction. I've gone ahead and created a support case for you. You should have also received an email regarding this.


Have a great weekend!
