
Version in ESRI SDE database made in workbench by featurereader cannot be removed after posting because it is in use

  • 25 October 2021
  • 1 reply


I have a workbench in which I translate XML files to featureclasses in an ESRI SDE geodatabase. The featureclasses are versioned. I use a featurereader in which I specify the child version. That version is then created by the featureader since it doesn't exist before the start of the translation.

Updates are done with an SDE geodatabase writer in this version. I specify in the parameters that the version is to be reconciled and posted after the translation.

After posting, the version should be deleted. This is also indicated by setting the appropriate parameter.

When I run this workbench in FME desktop, this works fine. However, when I publish the workbench to FME server and run it via an automation, the version is reconciled and posted, but it is not deleted. The log displays the following error:

Error deleting the version 'versionname'. The error number from ArcObjects is: '-2147217140'. The error message from ArcObjects is: {The version is currently in use. [versionname]}


Is there something I can do to unlock this version after posting?

1 reply

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Hi @gbazzz​ 

To remove the Locks from Geodatabase follow the steps here.

In ArcCatalog --> right click on the SDE Connection --> Administrator --> Administor Geodatabase

On the dialog, Click on the Locks tab

Click on all the active connections, right-click and disconnect.
