
How do I expose IfcPresentationLayerAssignment entity from IFC file?

  • 2 September 2021
  • 4 replies

IfcPresentationLayerAssignment is the entity where autocad layer information is stored in my ifc model. I can see that it is included in the ifc-file by reading it as plain text. However I can't seem to expose that entity in FME. I have tried different combinations of AttributeExposer, GeometryPropertyExtractor and listexploder. Is there anyway to expose that attribute and its values in FME?

4 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +13

Hello @kinnjanp​ , thanks for posting! Unfortunatley, we have not yet added support for the presentation layer objects for IFC. Apologies for the bad news! If this is something that would be beneficial to you, you're more than welcome to create an idea and link it here so other users come across it! Best, Kailin.

Thank you for your answer @kailinatsafe​ ! That's good to know. At least now I'm not trying to find something that is not there yet. Will surely make an idea.


Hello @kinnjanp​ , thanks for posting! Unfortunatley, we have not yet added support for the presentation layer objects for IFC. Apologies for the bad news! If this is something that would be beneficial to you, you're more than welcome to create an idea and link it here so other users come across it! Best, Kailin.

Hi @kailinatsafe​ Just wondering if there has been any update on this? Or are we now aware of a work around? Many thanks!

Userlevel 3
Badge +13

Hi @kailinatsafe​ Just wondering if there has been any update on this? Or are we now aware of a work around? Many thanks!

Hello there @izz88​, thanks for your interest here! Unfortuantely, there are no updates on this. I did find @kinnjanp​'s FME Idea however. If this is something that you'd like to see added to FME, please consider posting a comment and or upvoting the idea! Hope this helps, Kailin.
