
Does anyone have an tricks for reading a Big Geotiff format. I get the error as seen in the attached screenshot. The tiff I am trying to read is a bigtiff format.

  • 11 August 2021
  • 3 replies


Creating reader for format: GeoTIFF (Geo-referenced Tagged Image File Format)

Trying to find a DYNAMIC plugin for reader named `GEOTIFF'

Loaded module 'GEOTIFF' from file 'C:\\Program Files\\FME_2018\\plugins/gdal/GDAL.dll'

FME API version of module 'GEOTIFF' matches current internal version (3.8 20180604)

GEOTIFF reader: Opening file '//client/F$/DEM_LIDAR_2012-2020_1m/citywide/DEM_LIDAR_2012-2020_1m_citywide.tif'

GEOTIFF reader: TIFFFetchDirectory://client/F$/DEM_LIDAR_2012-2020_1m/citywide/DEM_LIDAR_2012-2020_1m_citywide.tif: Can not read TIFF directory count

GEOTIFF reader: TIFFReadDirectory:Failed to read directory at offset 8081121040

GEOTIFF reader: Failed to open the dataset '//client/F$/DEM_LIDAR_2012-2020_1m/citywide/DEM_LIDAR_2012-2020_1m_citywide.tif'. Please ensure source data is valid and correct reader is selected

A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

Failed to obtain any schemas from reader 'GEOTIFF' from 1 datasets. This may be due to invalid datasets or format accessibility issues due to licensing, dependencies, or module loading. See logfile for more information

FME Session Duration: 0.2 seconds. (CPU: 0.1s user, 0.0s system)

END - ProcessID: 4808, peak process memory usage: 49480 kB, current process memory usage: 37888 kB

Failed to obtain any schemas from reader 'GEOTIFF' from 1 datasets. This may be due to invalid datasets or format accessibility issues due to licensing, dependencies, or module loading. See errorlogfile for more information

Program Terminating

Translation FAILED.

Workspace generation failed. Parameter file was C:\\Users\\dcameron\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\7\\FME_1628712856560_440

3 replies

Badge +21

Usually when I have troubles reading BigTiffs the error is in the filecopying so the whole file was not transferred. If you open the same file in for instance QGIS you can see if it gets opened correctly. If it seems OK within QGIS it can still be an error within the BigTiff on other zoomlayers that is more difficult to find, but I usually try to zoom in to 1:1 in different corners of the file. So if the transfer of the file is corrupt you would find an area where you zoom in, and it will show no data (and give an error in the logging window if I remember correctly).


I also see you might be reading from a Network disk? Try to copy the large file locally - and then open it, to see if that helps.


Userlevel 4
Badge +26

This report on a GDAL forum has also suggested that the ERROR your mentioning is likely related to a corrupt file:


Thanks for the suggestions. I suspect it was a corrupt file. I had my colleague output the geotiff again. I think he is using Globalmapper. We trimmed it a bit to make it smaller and this time it was output in regular geotiff format not Big Geotiff. It works fine now.
