
Geometry combiner - Aggragator

  • 30 July 2021
  • 1 reply

Badge +10

Hello there

I am using the aggregator transformer to combine 1M features into one feature

the input data is point

when I try to use the HTML generator ist not working due to the size of the data even if I have only one feature it take a very long time

is there a way to aggregate the geometry as well this way we have only one feature



1 reply

Badge +2

Hi @boubcher​ ,


This is the same challenge as listed on this post; the only difference is instead of writing out thousands of features, you're writing out thousands of coordinates. In your case, an output html file with 1 multipoint feature that is an aggregate of 1 million points will result in a file that is ~90MB. This is huge compared to the average html file size (see below).


Unfortunately aggregating isn't really accomplishing much in this case as the file size is increasing due to the number of coordinates being written to the output html file and exaggerated by the added whitespaces for each coordinate pair. Rounding coordinates will help a little in terms of file size but I don't think it will do enough in this case.

2021-07-30_13-29-05Note: even removing every unnecessary whitespace produces an ~50MB html file - this will load faster than the 90MB file but still not fast by any means as this is still a very large html file.


Are you able to consider clipping the points to the project area so the resulting html file doesn't include 1 million points? You could get user input with the Geometry Parameter and clip to that bounding box. Or embedding something like an AGOL/Mapbox map with the data?


See also: Webpage Size – Why is it important? And how do you optimize it?

"According to httparchive the average web page size in 2017 was 3 MB. This is a huge increase from the 1.6 MB average of 2014. It is predicted that the average page size will be 4 MB by 2019."
