
Unable to fetch the join table (eo_cable_exi_phase) into FME workbench from Smallworld EO application to build the existing relationships while exporting into ArcGIS (SDE) environment

We are migrating data from Smallworld Electric Office 5.x data into ESRI Enterprise Geodatabase(SDE), while doing the process we came across one difficulty to export the data for the table named "Cable Existing Phase" which stores the relationship between main tables and unit tables in Smallworld native environment.

We used the below parameters for the Smallworld reader

Reader: Smallworld 4/5

Service: FME

Expose Internal Tables: On


Please refer to the screenshot of the tables which we are getting after using the "Expose Internal Tables" as ON. Here we are missing a table called "eo_cable_exi_phase".


Without the "Cable Existing Phase" table in the target environment, we can't build the relationships between feature classes. Is there any alternative approach or any other plugin (SBS) to resolve the issue





2 replies

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@sudhakary​ Is the table visible? You might have to make the table visible so that FME can access it.

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Just for completeness - the solution was to make the join table visible in the Smallworld CASE tool. then FME is able to access the join table and read it.
