
Is it possible to write to Feature Service Writer with a Geodatabase that contains Attachments?

Hi all,


I have a geodatabase which contains point, relational table that has been created. At the moment I have to manually publish the feature layer via ArcGIS Pro.


I have tried to see if I can create a workbench. I have got everything working in terms of writing to the feature service but the attachments unfortunately do not come through. Is there a limitation to the ArcGIS Portal Feature Service writer for this?



2 replies

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Hi @cardiofaz​ 

You can use the ArcGISOnlineConnector transformer to perform this operation. In this process, if you are using the file geodatabase, you will need to first zip the geodatabase and then use the Upload and Publish function(see documentation) to create them into a FeatureService.

I would also recommend going through this article to get familiar with the process.


Writing attachments are a bit tricky for ArcGIS Online, we do have a template workspace on FME Hub(AttachmentWriter), that can guide you through the process. Unfortunately, it will not work with SAML Authentication.

@rahulsharma​  Thanks Rahul for the response. Will this work with ArcGIS portal instead of AGOL?
