
FileCopy doesn't change the name of (zip)files in folder

  • 22 March 2021
  • 1 reply


I have a couple of zipfiles in a folder that I basically want to rename. I've used a 'directory and and path' reader to read them in. The name I want to give them is based in the Excel file, and with the featuremerger I add that as an attribute to the file information. However, when using the filecopy writer (either with move or copy as parameter) the name doesn't change.


In the translation log, I get the following warning:

Ignoring the destination filename 'filename1' because the source dataset 'C:\\edited\\edited\\edited\\GML\\' was not a file. Destination file names are only used when the source dataset is a file'


The sourcedataset is set as the folder containing all the files I want to rename, and not one specific file, since I want to rename them all. How can I apply what I want to do?


Bonus Question. They are zipfiles, and I would wish to unzip them as well. Can that be established through FME as some sort of batchprocess as well?

1 reply

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Hi @fmenco​ ,

Are you able to share your workspace and the Excel file that you have to define the file paths with the new names as well?


I'd like to see what you have defined the filecopy_source_dataset attribute to. As it seems the value for that parameter is only set to the folder and not the complete path with the file name and extension. Hence the message in the log file.


As for unzipping the files, you could take a look at the FME Hub transformer "Unzipper".


