
Creating point from road and bridge intersection

  • 4 February 2021
  • 2 replies

Hello everyone,


I'm trying to create a point of intersection between bridges and the road below. The problem is that I need to create one point at the first intersection in the direction of traffic as shown in the image below (Image1).


My first tought was do to a line on line overlayer to have the intersection point between the road and the bridge. In doing so, there is a lot of point that are created (Image2) and I don't know how I can select the right one automatically.


I have tried to select them based on the coordinate but since the direction of the road change all the time, it is not reliable.


The ultimate goal would be to have a point that represent the clearace of the bridge at the intersection of the first bridge in each direction. This would be needed for the whole bridge dataset and have to be generated automatically.


Any help is much appreciated!

2 replies

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Use a MeasureGenerator on the road lines, LineOnLineOverlayer with Accumulation Mode set to Merge Attributes, PointOnLineOverlayer with road lines and obtained points to get the Measure of the lines (Merged Measures set to yes) [I think you can skip pointonline as you can have the measures from lineonline], MeasureExtractor on the points, sort the points GroupedBy Bridge ID and Sort By the measure that you need, keep only the first point for each bridge (Sampler with GroupBy).

Thank you, I will try it out.
