
Hello, I have a question how FME is working when you have many files in a reader. Does it read all input files and after execute all my transformers in the workbench one by one or it's reading 1 input file, execute all transformers, write in my write

  • 4 February 2021
  • 2 replies

read another input file and execute again my transformers, write in the writer, and so on for all my inputs files.



2 replies

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@erau7​ It's a little bit of a mixture as it depends on what you're doing in the workspace. But in most cases you should probably assume it's the former. For example, if you are using FeatureJoiner, then that's a 'blocker' transformer and it needs to wait for all the data to arrive before it knows what joins to make. If you want to ensure each file is processed separately you can use WorkspaceRunner or Batch Deploy

Thank you, this is exactly what I was looking for.
