
Looped Road with Different Start and End Points

  • 27 March 2014
  • 2 replies

Badge +1



I am working on Windows7 (64).


I have a road network and I need to find the Looped Road which are having different Start and End Points (PFA). I have already tried sinuocity formula but is only works for the loops having same start and end points. Are there any alernatives. (:

2 replies

Userlevel 4



I think the key to success here is that you first define the criteria for such a loop.



Based on your illustration, it seems like one criteria might be that the start node and end node are connected through no more than one single link. If that is the case, you could use the TopologyBuilder to generate linkages and go from there. The lines output from this transformer will contain a from_node and to_node attribute which will help you to isolate these loops.



Badge +3



From the picture it seems those are not loops(?).


Also in the picture the nodes from the "nonloops" hit the same roadsegements? U can filter out those.


A way to isolate those would be a spatialrelator (roadsegements to Base and Candidate) grouped by road-segement_ID. Using the candidate list u can see if the nodes with same road id hit another single roadsegement.



The ones wich hit same road will have a duplicate on the grouped ID's (2 items) wich are the same, but with different coordinates.




