
Problem installing Canada NTv2 grid files

  • 15 November 2019
  • 3 replies


How to install NTv2 grid files?

Following the instructions at I've copied the `NTV2_0.GSB` file I acquired from NRCAN into "C:\\Program Files\\FME\\Reproject\\GridData\\NTv2".

From FME Options I select Coordinate Systems. Now what? Which of the listed items do I edit?

I tried NAD83_to_CSRS. I'm able to use the down arrow to select the NTV2_0.GSB file from previous step, but the [OK] button remains disabled.

3 replies

Ok button solved. You need to delete the extra red rows.


(I didn't create them, they were there the first time I opened the Edit dialog)



After a nights sleep I realized NAD83_to_CSRS is the wrong selection for the NRCAN ntv2 files, they're meant for NAD27 to 83 transforms. However when I went to add it to NAD27_to_NAD83_Canada_FME instead I discovered the grid shift file was already there and set!

It would be nice if were updated to reflect this. (The page does currently say NAD27<->NAD83 grid shift files are included, but doesn't say they are NTv2.)


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After a nights sleep I realized NAD83_to_CSRS is the wrong selection for the NRCAN ntv2 files, they're meant for NAD27 to 83 transforms. However when I went to add it to NAD27_to_NAD83_Canada_FME instead I discovered the grid shift file was already there and set!

It would be nice if were updated to reflect this. (The page does currently say NAD27<->NAD83 grid shift files are included, but doesn't say they are NTv2.)


Hi @maphew: I'm sorry that it would have saved you time if we included the NTv2 info in the documentation. I've logged a request to our publications team about this suggestion. Thanks for your input!
