
I would like to know if the "Lambert Mexico WGS84 (cm)" coordinate system exists in FME.



I would like to know if the "Lambert Mexico WGS84 (cm)" coordinate system exists in FME. Attachment definition



If it does not exist in FME, how can I create the system and add it to FME?


Thanks so much

2 replies

Badge +9

To see if your coordinate system already is supported with FME and how to create your own coordinate system, please refer to the answer to this question:

and the documentation for Custom Coordinate Systems can be found here:

Badge +2

@lucho Here is the shortcut URL to the Coordinate System builder:

We don't usually define coordinate systems for mm, cm or in, which is often required by older FME Smallworld readers and writers. I think the newer versions of the Smallworld plugin (Sworld 5.x) should support the default coordinate system instead of the world coordinate system. But I don't see your Lambert Conical for Mexico in our coordinate systems list. @gabriel_hirsch 's links give you the documentation on how to add the coordinate system to your FME install.
