
Issue on Date/Time Format of timeStarted, timeFinished returned by FMEServer.runDataDownload

  • 29 April 2019
  • 1 reply
  • 1 view

Userlevel 2
Badge +17

FME Server 2019.0.0.1 Build 19246 - linux-x64, JavaScript Library Version 3

I noticed that the datetime format of timeStarted and timeFinished returned by the FMEServer.runDataDonwlod function is "%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S" without %p (AM/PM).

Since "%I" is in the range 00-12, you cannot get correct started/finished datetime in afternoon.

This is the result from a quick test.

Could you please investigate the format of these timestamp members?

{ "serviceResponse" : { "statusInfo" : { "mode" : mode, "status" : status }, "fmeTransformationResult" : { "fmeServerResponse" : { "id" : id, "jobStatus" : status, "result" : result_string, "resultSuccess" : true_or_false, "serviceMsg" : msg, "serviceSuccess" : true_or_false, "timeRequested" : timestamp, "timeStarted" : timestamp, "timeFinished" : timestamp, "requesterResultPort" : port, "requesterHost" : ip, "request" : request_string, "requestKeyword" : service_name, "priority" : priority, "description" : description }, "fmeEngineResponse": Object }, "jobID" : id, "url" : download_link } }

1 reply

Badge +11

Hi @takashi, thank you very much for bringing this to our attention! I have filed an issue with the development team and we will update this posting when there is a resolution.
